
Jiawei Guo joined the group as an undergraduate researcher in 2019 and transitioned to the Ph.D. program in 2020 after receiving Bachelor's degrees in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at UC Davis.

The first half of her Ph.D. mainly focused on understanding the role of zeolites in heterogeneous catalysis and utilizing ML methods to overcome the long-standing barriers to exploring the vast zeolite materials space. The Industry-University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) partially funds her zeolite projects.

Since early 2022, Jiawei has started exploring molecular catalyst systems and metal surfaces for electro-catalytic CO2 capture and reduction as part of the multi-campus collaborative projects for the Reactive CO2 Capture (RCC) Center. This includes a 6-month exchange program at Lawrence Livermore Nation Lab (LLNL), supervised by Dr. Nitish Govindarajan and Dr. Chris Hahn, where she worked on developing machine learning potentials to explore the cation and coverage effects at the metal/electrolyte interfaces.

Jiawei enjoys eating, hiking, powerlifting, and CrossFit in her free time.

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